An Open Letter To Someone Who Is Having A Hard Time To Move On

Promise me that you won’t give up. Because you deserve the best love too.

To you who choose to move on, keep going.
I know you’re tired.
I know how painful what you are experiencing right now.
I know you want to give up and stop.
I know how you tried your best to be the better version of yourself.
I know how much you are craving happiness and peace for your soul.
I know how hard it is to let go and to move forward from the things that you used to do and used to be, but I want to encourage you that there is more to life, that you can be more and you deserve all the best things in life.

If you ever find yourself having a breakdown in the middle of the night or crying in the public places when the pain hits you so hard, that is completely fine and I want you to know that your pain is valid. You can cry as long as you want, but at the end of the day, you need to decide that you will not stay in that situation.

You are not alone just because the person you truly love leaves you.
Your worth will not change just because someone doesn’t fight for you.
Your value will not be based on other peoples opinion just because you made a mistake.

In moving on, you need to eradicate the opinions of unnecessary people.
You don’t need to listen to what all the other people around you are saying, you just need to listen to God, to the closest people you have in your life, and most importantly to yourself.
Never force yourself to show that you are moved on and healed but the truth is , you are still not. You’re just fooling yourself my dear.

Just in case you are doubting yourself in the process of moving forward and you found yourself stuck in the situation you weren’t supposed to be, let me remind you of these three things —

1. There is joy in goodbyes.

A lot of people are afraid of saying goodbyes because we grew up believing that goodbyes will hurt us . But let me tell you this, there is joy in goodbye. When we give goodbye to the people who have hurt us, it honors your past and provides closure as you move on to your next chapter. As one of the saying goes —

“The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.”

So the next time you will say goodbye, always look forward to beautiful things that will come along the way. Your goodbye is a door for you to enter the new beginnings and new tomorrow that are awaiting for you.

2. There is a blessing in brokenness.

Your brokenness season is not a wasted season.
Sometimes, we are taught that we can no longer be used by God. We stop to pursue our dreams because we believe to the lies of this world that broken things are useless. But let me remind you, your brokenness is precious in the eyes of God. You just need to admit that you are hurting and you need the embrace of the father.

In that season, you will be able to have an intimate moment with Him.
In brokenness, you will be able to see the goodness and greatness of God.
It is in your broken season that God can use you mightily and powerfully.

“It is doubtful that God can use a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.” – A.W Tozer

Today, you are in the exact place you are meant to be right now. Do not deny your season. Embrace it, learn from it. There is beauty in brokenness.

3. You got the best thing in life when you let go

Today, remember that even if it is hard to let go, never stop to trust the perfect plan of the Lord for your life.
Start to hold on to God.
Let go of your vision and embrace God’s given vision.

Letting go is a decision but entering your new season is a choice.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. ISAIAH 43:18-19

As you enter your new beginning, I pray you move forward with a grateful and thankful heart.
May we all learn from the mistakes of the past.

Believe me that one day, you will look back in the past and you will be thankful that you choose to move forward. There’s no need to rush. What God has for you will always arrive on time. Your healing and breakthrough will come at the perfect timing of God.

Most importantly, believe me that one day all the pain will heal. It will. One day, you’ll forget all the bad memories that person had left you with and soon you’ll find the one who’s right for you. That day will come to you, I promise. And life is so much better once you let it. Have patience and for now, take all the time that you need but try not to go back to that same old love when there are so many better and more exciting loves that you have yet to find. That person who is right for you, they’re out there.

Promise me that you won’t give up. Because you deserve the best love too.

Published by Yries Romero

I am a woman who's life was once broken and in darkness but grace gets the last word. Now, I am about to bring truth in this generation by pursuing love, passion and purity. I always believe that we can always shine in every way that we can. But let us always choose to shine with love and integrity.

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