An open letter to the one soul who’s having a breakdown,


I understand you and your heart. And please know that your feelings are valid.
I know how you’re feeling when you see others achieving their dreams and goals in life, yet you find yourself stuck in a place where you weren’t supposed to be.
I know how hard it is to wake up every morning realizing that you have no excuse not to go to work because you are supporting your family.
I know the feeling of “sana all” moments you have when you see your friends happily married to the love of their life or some are enjoying the time with their partners.
I understand the frustration you have when you feel like you’ve lost your passion inside of you and you don’t know how to start again and bring back the momentum.

But let me tell you this —

It takes an overwhelming breakdown to receive an undeniable breakthrough.

So please be patient with yourself.

You are not a hopeless case or a lost cause.
You are standing up again, tending your wounds, moving forward.
You are not a victim.
You are a survivor, a warrior, a strong human being growing stronger everyday.
You are not in spite of your struggle; you are not because of struggle.
Struggle is only a place where you are refined, made stronger.

You are becoming more clearly you everyday.

You don’t have to try so hard.
The pain is not a character flaw or a quick fix.
You don’t have to blame yourself for it or pretend it’s not there.
It’s OK to feel.

Feeling takes strength

It’s okay to be in pain.
It’s okay to say you’re in pain.
But always remember:
You are not your pain.
You are living with pain but the pain is not everything,
The pain is, but you are more.

Don’t forget: You do not have to find your way out of this darkness alone.
You don’t have to hide in shame.
After all, you are not fighting against yourself anymore.
You can call others to help you.

Look at you:
The strong one, the one who survived a hard year.
But you didn’t just survive.
You kept hoping in the dark place.
You believed in your own worth even when you felt broken and alone.

And if you are reading this it means you didn’t give up.
You kept moving forward.
You were so brave to ask for help, so brave to face the pain and see yourself beyond it.
You are so strong.
You have been all along.

So keep going, breakthrough is on your way!

Published by Yries Romero

I am a woman who's life was once broken and in darkness but grace gets the last word. Now, I am about to bring truth in this generation by pursuing love, passion and purity. I always believe that we can always shine in every way that we can. But let us always choose to shine with love and integrity.

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