The fact that you are reading this means you were able to overcome the year 2021 and I just want to congratulate you for finishing the year strong. A series of breakdowns, victories, and failures happened. Good or bad, these are events in life that made us who we are today. With lessons learned in the previous years, we should be able to claim that 2022 will be our year.

As we enter into not only a new year, here are my top tips for success moving forward and how we can maximize this year 2022 to the fullest.


Reflecting helps you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than just carry on doing things as you have always done them. It is about questioning, in a positive way, what you do and why you do it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.

Learn to appreciate all your accomplishments, may it be small or big. Celebrating your victories last year is a great way to see how amazing lies ahead this new year. In typical yearly review, you should answer these type of questions:

  • What went well for me last year?
  • What accomplishments did I have?
  • How did I improve my life?
  • How did I improve my relationships?
  • What did I remove from my life that is now making me happier?
  • What do I wish I had taken more time for?

These  questions will help you appreciate all you’ve accomplished in the previous year, and you can use this information to start the new year off right, and set better goals this year.


Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them?
Which projects, errands, and general list of to-do items do you have left over from the previous year that you can complete in 2 hours or less? Do them now to clear your mind of the old items.


This year, you will have no room for any delays.
Whatever you have started, set a timeline when you will finish it.

If you are a student, make a timeline when you will pass the project, module, or a certain task.
If you are working, have a planner so you can meet the deadlines.

Remember, in finishing a task, it’s not about how you manage your time but it’s all about how disciplined you are so you can manage the schedules and plans you have set to finish a certain goal.

Some tips for you to finish what you have started —
1. Quit being a perfectionist
2. Commit to it.
3. Connect with your end vision
4. Follow the path of highest enjoyment
5. Track your progress.
6. Celebrate what you’ve done so far.
7. Don’t force it if it’s really not working out

You can do it!
You can be more!
You can finish whatever you have started in your life!


The goal of setting goals is to define a clear direction that inspires you into action. Realistic goals help you to do that. Unrealistic ones do quite the opposite and can lead to disappointment, procrastination, and frustration.

There is nothing wrong in setting grand and magnificent dreams, but if you want to accomplish some improvements in your life, you need to be realistic. We have to  turn a dream into something we can picture accomplishing before it can become a reality.


Our lives are built of hundreds of tiny habits that we do every day. Whether we even know we’re doing them.

Those habits hurt or help us, and our worlds are a direct reflection of them.

Sure, they are often so small that you don’t notice the impact right away. But over time they make ALL the difference. So if you want to make the most of your 2022, make sure to acquire POSITIVE HABITS.

A quote from my mentor I always bear in mind is this —

You don’t need to be great for you to start. You just need to start for you to be great.

Start to build habits that will help you to grow physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially and socially. Step by step , by undergoing the right process and discipline, you will see that you are growing and learning.

Always focus on impact not on the approval of the people of your result. Based on the study, 20% of your actions give you 80% of your results. IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE. Work on that which makes the highest impact.

Here are some of the healthy and positive habits you may consider this year

  1. Start your day by meditating good things. Take 10-15 minutes of quiet time.
  2. Practice gratitude.
  3. Motivate or encourage someone daily.
  4. Perform an act of kindness.
  5. Set your daily goals.
  6. Be a better listener.
  7. Have a good laugh.
  8. Move your body for 30 minutes every day.
  9. Prioritize sleep – get those 8 hours! Develop a sleeping ritual.
  10. Save money every payday. Doesn’t matter how small your income is, the important thing is you save.
  11. Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  12. Read books.
  13. Set timer for your phone and social media time, or unplug for an hour daily.
  14. Journal and write down your thoughts.
  15. Pray!


Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.

Psalms 16:3

You can only make this year right and great when you include the Lord in your plans. No matter how great your plans are and no matter how determined you are to achieve them but you forgot to commit those dreams and desires to the Lord, everything will be useless.

When we commit our ways and our work to the Lord, He will bless our efforts according to His perfect will in ways beyond our understanding. 

We can expect God to bring our works to fruition in God’s way and in God’s timing when we depend on Him in our efforts or what we do.  We have to seek and follow God’s will, not our own will.

Start this year as you wish to finish it.
Life has so much in store for you. You just have to trust in your hard work and persistence. Put up with the pain. Fight through the frustration. Make this year the year your wildest dreams come true and imagine what you can set your sights on next year.
Are you ready to breakthrough?
Let’s go.

Published by Yries Romero

I am a woman who's life was once broken and in darkness but grace gets the last word. Now, I am about to bring truth in this generation by pursuing love, passion and purity. I always believe that we can always shine in every way that we can. But let us always choose to shine with love and integrity.

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